

New eBook – How to choose an EHR-to-EDC solution pdf

The market for EHR-to-EDC technology is growing, and developments are fast-moving. But not all solutions are made equal ... Continued


Archer For Clinical Researchers – Say Goodbye To Tedious Manual Processes pdf

Archer is reshaping the day-to-day experience of clinical researchers, providing transformational time-savings and accurate, clinically-validated data. ... Continued


Applied Clinical Trials Magazine – eSource Interoperability Between EHR and EDC pdf

Evidence from a Phase III cancer trial points to notable advances in data-transfer tech. - Read the in-depth report published in Applied Clinical Trials Magazine in August 2023. ... Continued


New Information Sheet – Archer EHR-to-EDC data transfer technology pdf

Discover how IgniteData's Archer technology is helping to solve the clinical trial data challenge; with fast, accurate EHR-to-EDC data transfer. ... Continued


New eBook – Clinical Trial Data Mapping Explained pdf

New eBook – Clinical Trial Data Mapping Explained explores the challenges arising from today’s healthcare data explosion ... Continued


New eBook – The Evolving Landscape of Clinical Trial Data pdf

Historically, there has been no effective solution for interoperability between Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems and clinical trial systems ... Continued


New Guide – Fast, Accurate Data For Modern Clinical Trials pdf

Using manual transcription for transferring patient data into clinical trials systems is costly and inefficient. Archer is the Virtual Research Assistant that solves the data transfer problem ... Continued

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